Personal Protection Order “PPO”

How to apply for a Personal Protection Order (“PPO”)


An Application for a PPO can be made to the Family Justice Courts in order to protect yourself or a family member from family violence committed by another family member. Section 64 of the Women’s Charter sets out the definition of “family violence” as follows:


Section 65 of the Women’s Charter further adds that the court may, upon satisfaction on a balance of probabilities that family violence has been committed or is likely to be committed against a family member and that it is necessary for the protection of the family member, make a protection order restraining the person against whom the order is made from using family violence against the family member.



Against whom the PPO can be issued?

PPO can protect family violence committed against another family member who is related to you:



How to make the application?


Do feel free to contact us if you require further advice or assistance in taking out a PPO application

How to apply for a divorce?

Divorce can be an emotionally arduous process in a person’s life. For many people, the divorce process can be brief, lasting only a few months before Final Judgment for divorce is issued. For others, the process may take longer, especially if there are various issues in contention between the parties.


The Basics


If you are the party commencing the divorce application in Singapore, you will be identified as the Plaintiff and your spouse, the Defendant.

If you have been served Divorce Papers initiated by your spouse, you are the Defendant.

If you intend to file a divorce in Singapore, you will have to ensure that you satisfy the following criteria:



The four common grounds for divorce in Singapore are explained below:






If you are contemplating getting a divorce, you naturally hope for the divorce process to be less painful and quick, so that you can move on with your life. However, this would be dependent on several factors:






The Basic Documents to File


Further to the above cause papers, you may need to file these additional documents:




Our Expertise

How to apply for a Personal Protection Order (“PPO”)


An Application for a PPO can be made to the Family Justice Courts in order to protect yourself or a family member from family violence committed by another family member. Section 64 of the Women’s Charter sets out the definition of “family violence” as follows:


Section 65 of the Women’s Charter further adds that the court may, upon satisfaction on a balance of probabilities that family violence has been committed or is likely to be committed against a family member and that it is necessary for the protection of the family member, make a protection order restraining the person against whom the order is made from using family violence against the family member.



Against whom the PPO can be issued?

PPO can protect family violence committed against another family member who is related to you:



How to make the application?


Do feel free to contact us if you require further advice or assistance in taking out a PPO application

How to apply for a divorce?

How to apply for a divorce?

Divorce can be an emotionally arduous process in a person’s life. For many people, the divorce process can be brief, lasting only a few months before Final Judgment for divorce is issued. For others, the process may take longer, especially if there are various issues in contention between the parties.


The Basics


If you are the party commencing the divorce application in Singapore, you will be identified as the Plaintiff and your spouse, the Defendant.

If you have been served Divorce Papers initiated by your spouse, you are the Defendant.

If you intend to file a divorce in Singapore, you will have to ensure that you satisfy the following criteria:



The four common grounds for divorce in Singapore are explained below:






If you are contemplating getting a divorce, you naturally hope for the divorce process to be less painful and quick, so that you can move on with your life. However, this would be dependent on several factors:






The Basic Documents to File


Further to the above cause papers, you may need to file these additional documents: