References to court cases

Below you will find a selected number of cases that give a good impression of the matters that we undertake:

The Borneo Case

In this matter our firm represented the buyers of a MYR 700 million Hotel / Golf Club / Marina / real estate conglomerate in Sabah. The dispute in which courts awarded our client that the seller return a “carved out” one-acre lot (one single day before completion). Our client was also rewarded costs.

For more information see link (clicking on the picture)

Serious Breach of Trust

For our client in Dubai we commenced proceedings against her husband who managed to siphon off 60 million US$ from their joint accounts into his own accounts. He claimed that these monies were gifts but the High Court sided our client in all (except the accounts in BVI accounts). The defendant also had to pay costs.

For more information click on the link (through the picture)

For more information see link (clicking on the picture)

Medical Negligence

A very sad case where our firm acted for a young lady who was misdiagnosed. She suffered from terminal cancer and passed before the judgement was out. Nevertheless, the Court awarded her estate full compensation.

For more details see link in the picture

ETP’s four partners.

Thomas Sim, Mark Yeo, Engelin Teh, Linda Ong